About Us


We are here for you and always will be!
Our product is 100% Pure Maple Syrup and comes from the deep woods of the province of Quebec, where the snow is fresh, Maple trees are strong and the sap is the finest that winter nature can deliver. It is simply the best in the World.
autumn orange maple leaf on a hands

We value our three most important relationships:

The best Maple Syrup Producers

The best transportation network available to deliver our goods to your port of destination or premises either by ship or air.

You especially, as one of your country’s finest and largest food purchasers distributing to your network of major grocers, finest hotels and restaurants within your country. You are equally of importance to us if you wish to simply distribute industrial maple syrup to be utilized by food producers in the production of healthy foods eliminating the need for sugar or artificial additives.

Apart from receiving only the highest quality of Pure Maple Syrup we guarantee that your Business dealing with us will not only be professional but pleasurable. No query, no call, no question will ever remain unanswered. Nor will any delivery remain unfulfilled.


Our focus is not only the very best in quality pure maple syrup but also upon a long term positive business relationship.

Slika zaslona 2021-09-27 u 01.19.25
Slika zaslona 2021-09-27 u 01.25.18